Sunday, November 27, 2011

Same Town, Same Council, Same Developer, Same Post

Oil workers: no. Construction workers: yes. Oblates: ?

October 11, 2011: city council bans man-camps
"Our community just can't support a massive amount of people moving into it," Jacobson said. "It's not that we don't want people moving into our community – we do," she said. "We just don't want to be inundated with oil workers."

"We really don't want a bunch of men living in a building all together." - City Auditor, Lynne Jacobson.
November 23, 2011: city council okays "man-camp": -- for construction workers
A tiny North Dakota town that banned dormitory-style housing for oilfield workers will allow a Colorado company to lodge homebuilders in an old school house.

Feland says it made no difference to the city or its residents whether it was oil workers or construction workers occupying the building. She said the issue was the number of workers. 

"We really don't want a bunch of men living in a building all together."

Link here. Christmas Open House hosted by a bunch of men living in a building all together, 50 miles down the road from Almont.

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