Sunday, September 15, 2024

Meanwhile, The Great American Chip Company Getting Billions In US CHIPS Money Is Building Overseas -- September 15, 2024

Locator: 48592INTC.

This company makes money the old-fashioned way: investing US taxpayer dollars overseas. 

I guess it's all about regulatory / bureaucratic / environmental hurdles. 

Makes no difference to the investor where the plants are built, as long as the plants are built.


One of the greatest two-women shows ever

I saw it three times during its run in Alabama -- Montgomery, AL -- Shakespeare Theater -- the third time the show was sold out by the time I decided to go again -- it sold out every night -- but I drove to the theater anyway and after the doors were about to close, everyone in their seats, I talked to the theater manager and said I would pay full price even if I could just stand in the aisle at the back of the theater. And, yes, I watched the entire show, again, standing. 

This is from a 2015 article, but we must have seen it in 1996 (?) or thereabouts.

 Wow wow, wow -- it's still running. This December, southeast of Montgomery!

$20 for the play; $20 for dinner (optional).

An 11-hour drive. Each direction. 

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