Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Five New Permits; Six DUCs Reported As Completed -- September 17, 2024

Locator: 48608B.

Record high: S&P 500 hit a new intraday high today -- if not, very close before closing flat.

FANG: up $5 today.  

BRK-B: up as much as $7 today.

META: near another high; chartists suggests it could have a huge breakout.

Cramer: out in San Francisco, AI conference.

  • Fed getting ready to cut the Fed rate: "don't overthink it."
  • AI
    • AI is not a strategy
    • for most, AI is a necessary expense
    • "in fact," says Cramer, "AI makes everything go faster"
    • "the AI agent knows you; the AI agent will give you something better than we already have"

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $71.19.

Active rigs: 39.

Five new permits, #41138 - #41142, inclusive:

  • Operators: CLR, Phoenix Operating
  • Fields: Crazy Man Creek (Williams); Bailey (Dunn)
  • Comments:
    • Phoenix Operating has a permit for a Marshall well, NWNW 13-144-94,
      • to be sited 381 FNL and 424 FWL; spacing unit section 2 / 11 - 144-94;
    • CLR has permits for three Stangeland wells and one Hayes well, SESE 6-153-99; 
      • to be sited 29 FSL and at 1058 FEL, 1026 FEL, 994 FEL, and 962 FEL.

Six producing wells (DUCs) reported as completed:

  • 40416, 887, Kraken, Fasching 15-22-27 4H, Hebron, npd,
  • 40465, 803, Kraken, Fasching LE 15-22-27 12H, Hebron, npd,
  • 40466, 719, Kraken, Milloy 10-3-34 3H, Hebron, npd,
  • 40467, 864, Kraken, Milloy 10-3-34 2H, Hebron, npd,
  • 40468, 666, Kraken, Milloy LE 10-3-34 1H, Hebron, npd,
  • 40515, 274, CLR, Hartman 12-28H, Chimney Butte, npd, 

Based on new name (PNC) it appears Slawson has canceled four Shad Rap Federal permits.

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