Monday, August 19, 2024

Presidential Campaign -- Crazy Talk -- August 19, 2024

Locator: 48467POLITICS.


Later, 9:10 p.m. CDT: At the DNC tonight --  HRC followed AOC on the podium. Both with incredible speeches. And if AOC goes a bit more mainstream, she could become a more powerful force on the national stage than many folks might have imagined two years ago. Andy Beshear, Jill Biden and Joe Biden yet to speak tonight.

Later, 8:25 p.m. CDT: imagine the excitement in Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida when Barack Obama shows up. When Michelle Obama shows up. When Joe Biden shows up (though that will be rare). When Bill Clinton shows up. When Oprah shows up. When Gavin shows up. When Pete shows up. And the list goes on.

Original Post 

Link here.

I would assume Kamala Harris is paying close attention.

With an unemployment rate of 4.3%, the US is at full employment. In addition, a record number of Americans are employed. Not counted, of course, are many undocumented workers, many / most of whom are working "without benefits."

From Statista, record number of full-time employees in the United States:

US Federal Reserve:

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