Monday, August 19, 2024

Manic Monday -- August 19, 2024

Locator: 48460B.

GM: to cut 1,000 salaried jobs.


Back to the Bakken

WTI: $76.97.

Monday, August 19, 2024: 47 for the month; 103 for the quarter, 429 for the year
, conf, WPX, Missouri River 25-26HW,
39901, conf, Liberty Resources, Alvin E 158-95-18-19-2MBH,

Sunday, August 18, 2024: 45 for the month; 101 for the quarter, 427 for the year
, conf, WPX, Missouri River 25-26HC,
39902, conf, Liberty Resources, Alvin E 158-95-18-19-2MBH,
39795, conf, Enerplus, Sapphire 148-95-03B-10H,
39254, conf, Hess, SC-4WX-153-98-3130H-6,

Saturday, August 17, 2024: 41 for the month; 97 for the quarter, 423 for the year
, conf, Kraken, Fasching 15-22-27 4H,
40389, conf, WPX, Missouri River 25-26HW,
24360, conf, Grayson Mill, Knight 35-26 2H,

RBN Energy: federal bill would streamline energy project permitting, judicial review. 

The permitting process for energy projects can drag on for years, resulting in multiple state and federal hurdles, environmental studies and judicial reviews. This is true not only of traditional energy projects involving oil and gas but also renewables like wind and solar and long-distance transmission, which are seen as key elements of the energy transition. Legislation proposed by a pair of influential senators aims to help move these projects along every step of the way but getting Congress to agree on anything — especially during an election year — figures to be a formidable challenge. In today’s RBN blog we examine the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024.

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