Monday, May 27, 2024

Stephen R. Covey's Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People -- May 27, 2024

Locator: 47964INV.
Tag: Stephen Covey.

Long, long story. 

Too late to proceed with the background tonight. Maybe another time.

I took "the course" decades ago. Subconsciously I must have learned something, but my mind was not prepared at the time "to fully engage."

But, sometime over this past weekend, while putting together "life's lessons learned" (again) I suddenly remembered Covey, mostly because my wife and I were stumped how to approach an extended family member with anxieties that have been a constant in his/her life. 

So, the link for now, and maybe I'll come back to this later. 

The link.

The reason it came up tonight: I just realized that the seven habits can also help investors be better investors. 

Saving the Link

Might come up again, later. Released May 9, 2014.

Link here.

A Musical Interlude

Link here.

This really is a very, very good production. It was posted on YouTube just six months ago, November, 2023. 

When I see things like this it suggests to me that legacy content providers (like the BBC) are scouring their archives looking for "stuff" they can re-package. This is a 47-minute video of the best (I would assume) that the BBC has of Blondie, and among the legacy three-letter content providers, no one did music better than the BBC. Having spent years in England watching and listening to the BBC I think I have a pretty good perspective.

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