Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Essay On EVs, Part 3 -- A Snowball Rolling Downhill -- February 27, 2024

Locator: 46923EVS.

Now we add Audi? 

This truly becomes tedious

See part 1 and part 2. This is part 3. Part 4 has been added.

The theme:

  • everyone and his brother is coming up with reasons why folks aren't buying EVs and why auto manufacturers are giving up on EVs. Today the latest: Apple, Inc., dropped out of the "race."

As noted, all these "reasons" aren't reasons, they're "excuses."

The simple reason -- not an excuse -- that EVs aren't selling is because Americans don't want them. Once you get past that, you can come up with a million "reasons" why they don't want them -- but they're just excuses.

I know why I don't want an EV and I'm sure it's the same reason everyone else has:

  • EVs were a "solution" -- and a terribly bad solution -- for a problem that did not exist; and,
  • we don't want to be tethered (more on that later)

Once I tell you that I don't want an EV I can come up with a dozen reasons why I don't want an EV, but it would just be a litany of excuses.

Now, comes along ZeroHedge coming up with another excuse why President Biden's EV push is going to fail: it's a supply chain problem. LOL.

A supply chain problem? Apparently it's not a supply chain issue for China. BYD is making a gazillion EVs and selling a gazillion EVs in China.

And that supply chain problem? It was Biden who restricted EV sales in the US to American-sourced components, including lithium. 

Take away those supply chain problems caused by government bureaucracy, and Americans still wouldn't buy EVs. 

So, go through your list of why Americans don't want or won't buy EVs, or manufacturers won't make EVs and add a new one to the list: there's a supply chain issue. LOL.

From oilprice.com, the ZeroHedge story:

People are buying "fake hybrids," apparently -- hybrids, but after the novelty wears off, hybrid-driving Americans will drive hybrids as if they are ICE vehicles. They won't plug them in; they will simply fill them with gasoline and drive accordingly.

Oh, that "tethered" issue. The internet is full of articles how folks are tired of having to charge their smart phones and their smart watches. If folks hate to have their phones and watches tethered, imagine how they feel about EVs.

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