Sunday, April 18, 2021

Panic Time: NBA Viewership Approaching Historic Lows -- Source -- April 18, 2021

A reader gave me an opportunity to re-post this story:

Video Worth 10,000 Words

I assume this link will break eventually. The link:

The video is of an extraordinary shot in an NBA game the other night.

The shot was interesting but the point of the post is to point out a couple of things.

First, this is an NBA game. Note how full the stands are. I believe there are more folks on the court than in the stands. Can you imagine how much money these venues are losing? And the television audience? Except for hardcore NBA fans, I can't imagine many folks actually watching these games on television. 

Second, check out the "masks" and social distancing. LOL. 

The reason for re-posting? This Breitbart story: panic time -- the NBA is fast-approaching historic ratings lows.

The NBA has suffered another ratings disaster, with ABC falling 45 percent since the 2011-12 season, while TNT was down 40 percent, and ESPN was off 20 percent.

The ESPN number is the most interesting, considering that "sports fans" tune in to this station.  

And then this, more entertaining than the last two minutes of an NBA basketball game:

In The Manner of Norman Rockwell

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