Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Is Anyone Paying Attention? -- August 20, 2019

The big news today out of DC:
  • 78 degrees during the day
  • 82 degrees when one is sleeping
I did not read the story, but I assume it has to do with electricity demand.

Is anyone paying attention?

If the nation is unable to handle typical summer weather now, how in the world will the US be able to charge all those EVs overnight if it can't even handle typical summer weather now? And, why all of a sudden is the US unable to handle typical summer weather now?

Reminder: a great interactive site, US electricity demand.  About 5:30 p.m. both days:
  • one  year ago, August 20, 2018, lower 48 demand: 550,376 megawatthours
  • earlier this afternoon, August 20, 2019, lower 48 demand: 675,914 megawatthours  
And cardigan sweaters during the winter?


  1. I see four iconic US "state" oil production records that may (likely will) be set in 2019:


    1. TX breaking 5 MM bopd. May happen as soon as next monthly report. Is already at 4.92.

    2. Federal GOM (my reason for scare quotes on state) breaking 2 MM bopd. Has been as high as 1.982 in April. Hurricanes may affect the summer, but even a chance we sneak by with the June report (comes out end of AUG). If not, than perhaps later this fall.

    3. ND breaking 1.5 MM bopd. It's definitely slowed down by the lower prices. That said, state is showing over 1.4. And we usually get some summer/fall growth. So decent chance we break through sometime in NOV or so.

    4. NM breaking 1 MM bopd. They are already at 0.9 MM bopd. And it's the hot, hot area. Yeah, $55 is slowing things versus the torrid pace of 2018. But I still suspect they get it done this year. That will mean a lot. It basically puts NM on the global stage. To be doing over a million. Sort of similar to what happened with ND.

    1. Very nice, thank you. I posted your comment as a stand-alone post so it is easier to search:



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