Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Holy Mackerel -- The Unicorns Are Out Tonight; Odds And Ends While Watching The World Series; Nothing About The Bakken -- November 1, 2016

Top of the first, Cubs take a remarkable lead, going 3 - 0.

Now, top of the third, bases loaded, one out ... and now a grand slam -- 7 - 0 and we're not even at the halfway point of the game.

The unicorns are prancing. I wonder who got the ball up in the stands! Wow! I hope it was some 7-year-old child. Wow!

Scary fourth inning for the Cubs, but they escape with just one run for the Indians -- it easily (?) could have been four more runs.

I go back and forth, but I suppose, if pressed, I would say I would like to see the Cubs win the series. 

Bottom of the 7th, still a 5-run game.

Wow, another two-run home. 9 -2 the final. What a game!

The Colonial Explosion

The Colonial Pipeline explosion -- so where are all the protests? Why is President Obama or Hillary Clinton not out front and center telling us that this is another example of the danger of pipelines.

The Washington Post provides the answer to the discerning reader. This is the reality: there is no way the northeast is going to get enough gasoline without pipelines. Shut down the Colonial and Americans will see how really fragile the energy grid is in this country and The Washington Post points it out:
Colonial’s Line No. 1, 36 inches in diameter, carries approximately 1.3 million barrels a day of gasoline from Houston to Linden, N.J., branching off along the way to provide more than a third of the supplies for the entire East Coast.
“I think the issue of pipeline safety is important, given several recent high-profile accidents,” said Jason Bordoff, director of Columbia University’s center on global energy policy. “It certainly is a reminder of the vulnerability of East Coast gasoline supply.”
Bordoff said the Energy Department had considered creating a reserve for refined products after Hurricane Sandy, in part because of the East Coast’s dependence on limited pipeline infrastructure. Hurricane Katrina also caused gasoline shortages in places such as Atlanta because refineries along the Gulf of Mexico could not supply the southeastern portion of the pipeline network. But no reserve has been created.
Let's see -- when was Hurricane Sandy? 2012. Four years ago and no Plan B.

Note To Reader Via E-Mail
Not Ready For Prime Time

I know I'm biased ... coming from the Drudge Report ... but it certainly seems like top Democrats are concerned about Hillary, going "wobbly" as Thatcher would say -- first the note you sent me with Obama's comments about Hillary, and now the former DNC chairperson suggesting that Hillary made a mistake "attacking Comey." Top democrats just don't say that about their nominee in the last week of the campaign. So, that's the first thing.

The second thing: with the huge premium increases in ObamaCare, it seems everyone is reporting how terrible 2017 ObamaCare is going to be. Even HHS seems to be giving up. Every media outlet from The Washington Post to The New York Times to The Wall Street Journal implies that ObamaCare is at its tipping point. When Obama leaves office, ObamaCare will follow him.

So, a) top Democrats are going wobbly on Hillary (Obama and Rendell) b) even liberal news media reporting how high ObamaCare premiums are going and the trifecta, c) will be when Putin's Northern Fleet arrives at Syria, which could be this weekend, just before the election, next Tuesday..

Maybe I'm reading too much into all this but one certainly wonders.

The bad news doesn't have to get voters to switch their vote from Hillary to Trump, the bad news simply has to keep the wavering Hillary supporter from standing in line and voting.

Hillary Attacks Comey: A "Huge" Mistake

I don't know if any politician is "happy" with FBI Director Comey -- neither the Republicans nor the Democrats. Comey was accused of ending the Clinton inquiry prematurely and then he was accused of re-opening a case that was supposedly closed.

The vast majority of Americans really don't follow these things that closely. But they do have respect for the FBI director. So when some politician -- especially the likes of a Hillary Clinton attacks the nation's top law enforcer (DOJ Loretta Lynch is seen as a political appointee -- which she is) -- this won't play well in Peoria.

Former DNC chairman, Ed Rendell, was "partially" correct when he said it was a mistake for Hillary to attack the FBI director. To be "fully" correct, he would have had to say that it was a "huge" mistake for Hillary to attack the FBI director. Hillary does not have time to "walk this back" before next Tuesday.

It will be interesting to see tomorrow's USC-Los Angeles Times poll.

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