Friday, November 13, 2015

Overwhelmed, Nothing About The Bakken; Skip This Post; Scroll Down; Simply For The Archives -- November 13, 2015; President Obama Reassures The French That ISIS Is Not Gaining Strength; Comments On "Clock-Boy"

For updates on the Bakken, skip this post, and scroll down to next post. 


November 18, 2015: Russian plane brought down by ISIS bomb on plane; seven coordinated simultaneous attacks in Paris with 129 killed; scores injured, and President Obama calls it a "set-back" and SecState Kerry says ISIS has a "rationale" for what they are doing.

The White House was on the defense Wednesday morning for statements made by President Obama -- who labeled Friday's Paris massacre that left 129 dead a "setback" -- and Secretary of State John Kerry's claim that the terrorists who in January attacked Charlie Hebdo had a "rationale."
White House spokesman says we are paying too much attention to officials' words.

November 17, 2015: I opined several years ago that there was a very good chance that President Obama would implode. His comments following the Paris attacks suggest that he is "losing it," much like President Nixon did several decades ago. Even his most ardent supporters seem to have had enough:
“I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained, ISIL is expanding,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, on Monday, using an alternate acronym for the group.
I doubt President Obama has read any intel briefings on ISIS. He quit going to intel briefings years ago, taking written briefs instead. If he is attending intel briefings now, it is "for show."

November 16, 2015: ISIS threatens DC. Michelle is not concerned; she is never in town. 

November 15, 2015: five more potential ISIS tourists released from GITMO. I can't make this stuff up. 

November 15, 2015: President Obama's response to the Paris-ISIS attack:
"The killing of innocent people based on a twisted ideology is an attack not just on France, not just on Turkey, it is an attack on the civilized world," Obama said during a meeting. 
I didn't read the story, but again, it appears President Obama still can't bring himself to use the word "terrorist" or "terrorism." It's simply the killing of innocent people -- sort of like what we see in Baltimore every day. Nothing more, nothing less, apparently in the president's mind. What a great guy. But it is a fact that President Obama et al won't use the phrase "radical Islam."

November 15, 2015: rumor has it that Bill Maher will fly to Syria to personally congratulate ISIS on an incredible execution of terrorist planning, rivaling 9/11 for precision execution.

November 15, 2015: rumor has it that community organizers at University of Missouri and Yale University will fly to Paris to share stories of their own experiences of hatred in the US, and to see  how a $15 / hour minimum wage will work in the US. Some of the students at the University of Missouri say they have been called bad names, like "dummy" and "stupid." 

November 15, 2015: headlines over at Drudge Report -- remember, these are taken from all US media, including NY Times and LA Times:
  • Paris attack puts dagger through heart of liberal Europe
  • Police questioned, released suspect after attack
  • Anti-Islam protest break out across France
  • Goodwin (NY Post): time for Obama to make a choice, lead or resign
  • Hollande wants 3-month state of emergency
  • Flashback: ISI claims thousands of jihadis smuggles in as refugees
  • resettlement resistance in USA
  • Michigan govern suspends efforts to accept refugees
  • manhunt for 8th Paris suspect
  •  "attacker was woman"
November 15, 2015: will President Obama continue to push his agenda to close GITMO in light of the Paris attacks? Remember, the House and the Senate overwhelmingly have said "no" to closing GITMO. White House spokesman says closing GITMO by executive order is still "on the table." 

November 14, 2015:
The terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday the thirteenth raise a number of questions or observations.
Supposedly seven sites were hit simultaneously.
The first question: were there more sites targeted or were the terrorists 100% successful in hitting all sites. If they were 100% successful it speaks volumes. It tells me that no one in Paris is paying attention. And of the many cities on the continent, Paris was probably the most likely to get hit like this based on demographics.
The second observation brings us closer to home. It puts “Clock-Boy” into perspective.
Does it bother anyone in the mainstream media — or have they even connected the dots — that we have a very naive president who blew off “Clock-Boy” as some kind of racial incident, when in fact the community was doing exactly what New Yorkers have been taught to do: see something, say something?
Somehow I can’t get too excited about “Clock-Boy” being taken downtown by law enforcement personnel. That’s a whole lot better than picking up body parts of 100 elementary kids blown up by a home-grown American terrorist.
What we have now is the opportunity for “Clock-Boy-II” to walk into any school in the nation and let him set the timer because no one wants to be accused of being racist. I can’t wait to see the rest of the questions and observations that come out of this.
By the way, as of Saturday, the day after the blasts, The Los Angeles Times has hardly covered the story. In The New York Times it’s in a sidebar at the left. Everywhere else it’s the entire front page. This is a big story. It again speaks volumes that the Los Angeles Times hardly covers the story. Maybe if we ignore it, it won’t happen here.

Original Post

There is way too much happening right now to keep up with everything. In the old days, I tried to keep going but found it too exhausting. So, for now, a DVD movie (some classic), some book reading, some dinner, and we'll see what happens next. Meanwhile, for the Parisians, Algore and company will tell them their greatest "risk" is melting Arctic ice sheets. And that's the way it is on Friday night, Friday the thirteenth.

Earlier today, President Obama stated categorically ISIS is not gaining strength:

ISIS is not gaining strength -- President Obama -- hours before major simultaneous terrorist hits in Paris

Two words: fathomless ignorance.

By the numbers, in Paris:
  • atmospheric CO2: slightly less than 400 ppm
  • Muslims: slightly more than 150,000 ppm
These are the headlines over at Drudge:
  • Muslim outrage: 150+ dead
  • Apocalyptic scene
  • Military deployed (I honestly did now the French still had a "military")
  • First curfew since 1944
  • French president closes borders
  • Gunmen shout "Allah Akbar" 
  • It's For Syria
  • ISIS celebrates: Paris in flames
  • Algore hosting 24-hour live climate webcast from Eiffel Tower
  • Attacks in at least seven different locations (mainstream media asks whether attacks might be linked)
  • Witness relates bloodbath at packed concert venue
  • Earlier today: President Obama declares ISIS contained
  • FBI: 1,000 active ISIS probes inside USA
  • Muslims on track to exceed Jewish population in USA
  • Obama moves to increase and accelerate admission of Syrian refugees
Meanwhile US college students demanding tuition-free education; school loans "forgiven"; and, $15/hour minimum wage -- I'm glad they're paying attention.

Later, November 14, 2015, 9:30 p.m.: just after the Paris bombings, I wrote Don to tell him that Trump surged by 20 points in the polls. I wasn't too far off; poll numbers that came out after my note shows Trump's lead surged to 42% -- a Drudge Report headline. 

Algore Kerry: Global Warming Is Parisians' Greatest Threat

Weekend weather: 22′ Waves, 50mph Winds, & Up To 110″ of Snow Forecast for Washington Next 2 Days

I can't make this stuff up. Algore at the Eiffel Tower

Two words: fathomless ignorance.


Tweeting now: even if the White House is, the French are not afraid to use the word "terrorists" or "terrorism" --
Photo: French President François Hollande, after visiting wounded victims of the Paris attacks, says France will be 'ruthless' with terrorists
It will be interesting to see if the White House spokesman on the Sunday television morning talks shows call this an act of terrorism. For some, maybe it's just a crime. 

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