Sunday, September 7, 2014

New Poll: Will The Scots Go Their Separate Way On September 18, 2014?

The new poll is pretty self-explanatory.

A link, if interested.


Two things about Texas: they take eduction seriously; and, they take sports even more seriously.

Maybe I will come back to education and the "Curriculum Night" at the elementary school and the middle school the other night where our granddaughters attend. It was so incredible, I'm considering auditing the science class in the middle school.

But it's sports that is really incredible in Texas. Our younger granddaughter plays on three soccer teams. One is a "recreation league" team, and the other two are "academy/club" league teams. You know they take it seriously when one of her "academy/club" teams has a head coach, an offensive coordinator, a defensive coordinator, and a conditioning coach. The conditioning coach, a 25-ish tall blond, taut, female is a Smith College (Massachusetts) graduate, a top notch women's college. From there, experience in several other locations, before she ended up in Texas. After winning the game 3-1, the girls were told the score should have been 8-1. Sounds like it's going to be a tough practice week coming up.


Perhaps a more interesting poll would be whether the Dallas Cowboy coach will still be the head coach a month from now. Not lookin' good.

After admitting wrong to go golfing right after journalist's beheading, the president .... goes golfing is reporting:
“You know, I actually feel energized about the opportunities that we’ve got,” Obama told the “Meet the Press” moderator in a sit-down interview taped Saturday. And after finishing, the president quickly headed to Fort Belvoir, Virginia, for an afternoon of golf in 90-degree-plus heat.
Meanwhile ...;_ylt=AwrTWfyligxU51gASnzQtDMD

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