Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday: Sort Of Back To Normal In Texas; Blogging On Hold For About An Hour

Active rigs: 193

US shale industry: breaks even in two years (2016) and then starts showing a profit. -- BHP.

RBN Energy: MLP 101. The case study: Valero.

To The Granddaughters

It looks like things are falling into place for another road trip. Which reminds me: discontinue home delivery of The Wall Street Journal. .... okay, that's done. A great omen: a Chipotle 18-wheeler is parked across the parking lot from Starbucks. In the old days, I would have been hitchhiking. Those days are past.

The car I will be driving was serviced yesterday. I am really impressed how efficient dealer services are these days. It is also impressive how "hi-tech" the new cars are. I asked when this particular car needs to come back in for routine maintenance. The rep said there was no "scheduled" time frame or mileage, per se. He says the "info" light will come on when service is due -- sensors sense the quality of the oil, sensors sense other stuff, some kind of mileage algorithm kicks in, and voilà.

Ah, yes, the "engine light." Miss Penny, on "Big Bang Theory" has solved the problem of the "engine light": she covers it with a bit of paper. I started watching the "first season" again last night.

I will get back to blogging later ... maybe about an hour from now. The bike ride into Starbucks was very nice today; no traffic, no wind, and no ice. Weatherspark said it was 27 degrees; the mean for Dallas-Ft Worth is 42 degrees, so global warming has disappointed the warmists (and me). But I'm going to enjoy my coffee and listen to some music. No work for awhile.

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