Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Permitorium Continues -- Slow Rolling The Industry Through The Courts


June 29, 2011: Just in -- judge rules in favor of the oil industry.
A judge has ruled that the Interior Department must abide by a deadline in the Mineral Leasing Act to either issue or deny oil and gas leases within 60 days of selling them at auction.
U.S. District Judge Nancy Freudenthal ruled from the bench Wednesday in a lawsuit filed by the Western Energy Alliance.
It would be just like the administration to appeal.

Original Post
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A petroleum industry group and the federal government are scheduled to square off in court Wednesday over delayed oil and gas leases in Wyoming and other states.

The Western Energy Alliance sued Interior Secretary Ken Salazar last year over hundreds of oil and gas leases the government sold but had yet to issue to the companies that bought them.
Elsewhere Mr Salazar has promised to speed up the process.

As someone once commented on this site: "Anyone can make a speech."


  1. noon $3 oil price jump... who's making a speech?

  2. I was referring to Mr Salazar's speech in which he said he would hasten the oil leasing process.

    Sometime ago, someone called me on one of my posts, saying "anyone can make a speech."


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