Saturday, May 14, 2011

Amazing! RigZone Picked Up This Story -- Oil Company Interested in Mineral Rights in Eastern North Dakota

I posted the results of the North Dakota state lease auction on May 5, 2011, which included the "Stutsman story."

RigZone noted the "Stutsman story" also and put up a very nice post.


  1. Bruce,

    Here's a link to map you may find useful. There is no clutter in this one. It is a basic county map.

  2. Thank you.

    I thought I had linked that map -- and I had, but hard to find. It was on my "Data Links" tab under "aerial views."

    I've linked it again, to two new spots, since it is a great map. It's linked at the sidebar on the right, and it's linked again under "maps" on my "Data Links" tab.

    Thank you for stopping by to suggest this.
