Friday, December 10, 2010

Three Interesting Wells Being Reported Today -- Bakken, North Dakota, USA

18906, 2,640, BEXP, Michael Owan 26-35 1-H, Painted Woods, Bakken

19028, DRL, Sagebrush, Erikson Et Al 3B, Madison -- Not the Bakken pool

18909, 674, CLR, Rollefstad 2-3H, Antelope; Sanish pool -- Not the Bakken pool

First, the BEXP well is yet another Owan well west of Williston; pretty spectacular.

For newbies: note the Sagebrush well into the Madison, one of the most prolific formations in North Dakota; this is not the Bakken. I believe through 2009, the Madison produced 51% of all oil produced to date in North Dakota.

Finally, the CLR well. I don't see "Sanish Pool" very often. See comment below about definition of the
Sanish Pool."  I need to update this information at this link, but that will have to wait.


  1. Antelope Field: Sanish pool includes Bakken and Three Forks...check spacing's a historical anomaly from the old vertical producers that were viable due to large amount of fracturing in Antelope field

  2. Thank you very much. When I get a chance I will add this information to the posting at the sidebar on the right where I tried to make sense of the Bakken Pool as defined in this boom.

    This really helps a lot.


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