Monday, August 26, 2013

Yahoo! In-Play: More Fertilizer Plants In North Dakota?

CHS Inc. and Dakota Plains Cooperative announce the two cooperatives have been in discussions about entering into a merger transaction: Co and Dakota Plains Cooperative, a full-service agribusiness headquartered in Valley City, N.D., announced the two cooperatives have been in discussions about entering into a merger transaction and now seek approval from the members of Dakota Plains Cooperative and the CHS Board of Directors. Integral to this effort is close examination of opportunities to enhance agronomy assets in the east central area of North Dakota. Plans under discussion include constructing three new fertilizer plants within the Dakota Plains trade area to take full advantage of the proposed fertilizer manufacturing facility in Spiritwood, N.D., currently under review by CHS.


  1. It sounds more like storage / sales facilities than the manufacturing of fertilizer.

    1. You are probably correct. I didn't quite understand the "to take full advantage of the proposed fertilizer manufacturing facility" in context to the "three new fertilizer plants."

      Regardless, lots of activity; another spinoff from the Bakken.
