Monday, February 21, 2011

A Big Shout Out and A Collective Thank You To All Those Who Have Visited This Site

Over 500,000 page views since the beginning.

Thank you.

I started the blog about three years ago. I was not happy with the original blog and deleted the entire blog, losing some nice posts in the process.

This blog has been up a little more than one full year. It seems much longer. The first posting is dated October 24, 2009.


  1. you are so welcome!!!! but a big thank you to you,,, great job

  2. Thank you for taking time to comment several times this past year.

    I remain inappropriately exuberant about the Bakken.

    At times I think the news out of the Bakken is the "same old thing," and then something very interesting is reported. The recent post about CLR asking to put as many as seven wells in one 640-acre spacing unit is one of these exciting moments.

  3. Thank you! I appreciate your info, links and insight. I check in several times a day.

  4. You are very welcome. When I am not "on the road," I can post frequently. I always feel I let my readers down when I'm traveling because I don't update as much during the day.

    But now I'm home and able to post. I appreciate your kind comments.

  5. keep up the good work .jj

  6. I'am a civil contractor from colorado currently producing scoria and building well sites in the bainville mt. area i only wish mt. had something as informitive as what you produce thank you for your time. This is my 1st post ever on anything thats how much i like your spot!!! ryan s.

  7. Thank you for your kind words. I truly wish I had the time and the knowledge to talk about Montana's oil industry.

    As it is, I have enough trouble keeping up with North Dakota.

    On a personal note, my closest childhood was from Bainville. Whenever I get back to Williston, my dad and I always drive out to Bainville to get a Coke and popcorn at that small convenience store on the highway. It should be four (4) lanes by now.

    Thank you for taking the time to write.

  8. Bruce,

    As I emailed to you recently from Laughlin, Nevada, I too love your site and visit it at least once per day. I also wish that someone would provide information for Montana but I can see you have your hands full with North Dakota. You may remember that I told you that I grew up in Westby, Montana. Larmon Haugen

  9. Yes, you did (mention that you grew up in Westby), because I immediately had to check Google maps to remind me of local geography. Most of my time in Williston was spent looking southeast and southwest.

    In hindsight, I should have spent a bit more time looking northwest! Smile.

    To the best of my knowledge I have not visited Laughlin. I have been to Las Vegas numerous times over the years (most of the visits connected with the Air Force). My fondest memory of Las Vegas was the time I hitchhiked cross country from Los Angeles to my home in Williston, North Dakota, and was treated to a wonderful dinner in Las Vegas.

    Have a great week.


  10. Good site with lots of good news and links. As an early investor in several Bakken E&Ps like OAS, CLR, BEXP and WLL I'm excited about the future potential for the Bakken.

  11. What I have enjoyed most is observing the different business models. CLR, BEXP, and WLL are all approaching the Bakken differently. Oasis seems to have come out of nowhere after it acquired Fidelity's acreage a year or so ago.

    Anyway, thank you for your kind comments.

    Hopefully things continue to go well.

  12. Bruce, are you going to have a contest for guessing the correct day that you have 1 MM page views on your site.. Maybe make a Cheese burger as a prize..
    Congrads on the site and keep up the good work.

  13. Yes, I was thinking of giving a free lifetime subscription to the blog to whomever guesses the day the blog has 1 million page views. Smile.

  14. embraceyourinnerhillbillyFebruary 22, 2011 at 7:57 PM

    ½ million, you should sell a little advertising on your homepage.
    Consider the page views a testament to the value you are providing us cybersurfers...if you weren't providing interesting and useful articles/ (and some cool tunes, too), we wouldn't keep coming back.
    I greatly appreciate your selfless hard work here.

  15. Thank you for your kind comments.

    At least for the time being, no ads. I don't want folks to think I'm doing this to make money (even though any money made would be very little). The original purpose was to get my two cents in regarding the Bakken; there were a lot of naysayers. Be that as it may be, the Bakken has turned out to be quite a story.
