Friday, July 26, 2019

America! What A Great Country! Americans Keeping America Great! -- July 26, 2019


July 27, 2019: folks should look at the "GDP Personal Consumption SAAR" chart and do their own thinking. The zerohedge article at the link is a typical zerohedge conspiracy article whose author completely misreads the data. I have no doubt in my mind that the government data is correct. I don't think I can even buy into some tweaking on the margins by bureaucrats for political reasons. The data is accurate; how people interpret it is another question and in this case zerohedge got it completely wrong. But I do give the editors credit for sticking with their anti-government conspiracy agenda.

Here's my take on the zerohedge article. It's one of my better ones; you don't want to miss it. LOL. 

Original Post 

People spend money:
  • when they feel "rich"; and,
  • when they feel optimistic
One can argue, from 2009 - 2016, they had neither feeling.

One can argue that from 2017 to the present they had both.


If the graphic is "too busy" for you, the unadorned graphic is at the link.

The trends are important, not necessarily the quarterly amounts or the quarterly changes. 

Where is this coming from?

The link.

Spend some tie on this article. I think it's the best article I've seen in six months.


So, how did Americans spend their money?

Healthcare? A lot of has been written about how much Americans spend on healthcare.


There is so much in this article. I will come back to it later.

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