Sunday, March 6, 2016

Random Look At A Madison Well In A New Oil Field In North Dakota That Will Be Coming Off The Confidential List Monday -- March 6, 2016; This May Be The Smallest Oil Field In The Williston Basin (It Would Be Hard To Get Much Smaller)


March 7, 2016: After middle Bakken wells have been on-line for awhile, maybe into their 2nd year or 3rd year or 4th year or later, it's not uncommon to see them decline to 4,000 - 6,000 bbls/month for awhile before continuing the Bakken decline. There is a suggestion that the good Madison wells, on the other hand, maintain a 5,000 bbls/month for quite some time. One can see some great Madison wells at the "Monster Well" page.

Also, judge for yourself, but I think production may have gone up a bit in the existing wells after a neighboring well was stimulated (not fracked) among the three wells below. 

Original Post
This regards a Madison well in a new oil field in North Dakota that will come off the confidential list Monday. This is a long note: there will be typographical and factual errors; if this information is important to you, go to the source. I am posting this only to help me better understand the Williston Basin.

At the bottom of this post is a screenshot of Chatfield oil field taken back on October 21, 2015. It hasn't changed much; one more permit/location (#32141) is now in the southwest "section" of this very small field, and of course #29622 which is also new, but that's about it. (By the way, I have called this a 2-section field; that's incorrect. The entire Chatfield oil field right now is the NW quarter of section 30 and another quarter section in section 19, both in T159N R81W. It's a small field: 320 acres, half a section.)

Back on September 29, 2014, I noted that I had not been able to find Chatfield oil field on the GIS map (maybe I missed it, but I doubt it); I opined that it might be the first new oil field in the Williston Basin since the Cottonwood.

It's a Madison oil field.

Tomorrow the third Chatfield field oil well comes off the confidential list. This will provide an opportunity to update the other completed wells. The one coming off the confidential list on Monday is:
  • 29622, 186, Berenergy, Borstad 30-3,  Chatfield, 160 acres, spud September 6, 2015; TD, 4,667 fee, September 11; t10/15; cum 19K 1/16;

PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

The other two producing wells in Chatfield oil field:
  • 27319, 600, Ballard Petroleum, Fines 24-19, Chatfield (this was a wildcat field at the time the permit was issued), a Madison well, a vertical, t6/14; cum 82K 1/16;
  • 29807, 352, Ballard, Nelson 34-19, Chatfield (still a wildcat, near Glenelms [sic]), 160-acre spacing, a Madison well, a short diagonal, spud January 13, 2015; reached TD, January 22, 2015; 4,700 feet; t3/15; cum 63K 1/16;
Both wells were taken off-line for the entire month of November, 2015. It will be interesting to see when #29622 was stimulated (it was not fracked so it was not on FracFocus); it appears the well was stimulated sometime in October, 2015. We will see tomorrow.

Just to add some fun to this, note the production profile of the other two wells about this time. First:
  • 27319, Fines 24-19:
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare
  • 29807, Nelson 34-19:
PoolDateDaysBBLS OilRunsBBLS WaterMCF ProdMCF SoldVent/Flare

The graphic below is/was the screenshot taken some time ago (as noted above). The well coming off confidential Monday is 1,160 feet south -- due south -- of #27319.

By the way, my hunch is the Chatfield oil field will be extended to include two new "Chatfield" wells currently on confidential and lying right out the oil field: #31222 and #31307. The NDIC scout ticket identifies both of them as "Chatfield wells."

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