Sunday, August 21, 2011

Nabors Man-Camp Will Be Increased by 150 to 450 -- WIlliston, North Dakota -- Bakken

Link here.
Nabors Corporate Services was requesting approval for an additional 150 beds to a 300-bed facility approved in June.

The Nabors camp would be located off of U.S. Highway 2 in Missouri Ridge Township, with access off of 58th Street.

The camp is located north of the Target Logistics camp north of Williston.

"Are these (300) beds filled yet?" Commissioner Dan Kalil asked.

A Nabors representative replied that the camp itself hasn't been built on-site yet.

However, the representative added that the company had underestimated the number of beds they needed.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the city/county is on the horns of a delimma. There is a critical need for housing right now, but it the need is met by temp solutions (man camps) then why would the const industry/investors commit to Alta/condos /housing?

    Especially given the time advantage of man camps (they cost less and tameess time to build than temp structures). Add to that the history of boom and bust and what you get is city/county withittle choice but to approve man camps. They will shoot down now and then as a way of placating local homeowners who are anti man camp (what homeowner wouldn't be). The near term looks like more man camps.
