Thursday, July 7, 2011

Update on the Nine (9) Wells Along the Hess Long Lateral #17117

Do you remember this story?

That post started out with:
Looking at the GIS map server this morning I see that there are now nine (9) wells alongside the Hess long lateral #17117. I first talked about six monitoring wells along this long lateral back on March 18, 2011.

The original six wells all had "observation" in their names. The newest three wells no longer have "observation" in their names and are located immediately around the original well site of Hess #17117: EN-Person-156-94-1102H-1.  Based on their names, these three new wells will not be monitoring #17117 but will be production wells. Note that the most recent permit (#20772) is the odd-man out of these four wells. #20772 is not a "Person" well but an "Enger" well and it will be going south, where the other three are going north.
  • 17117, 345, Hess, EN-Person-156-94-1102H-1, Big Butte, Bakken, cum 123K 11/17;
Here are the nine (9) wells:
  • 20500, SI/Monitroing; EN-Person Observation 11-33, east side of the lateral, Three Forks
  • 20315, EN-Person Observation 11-22, west side of the lateral (rig on site), Duperow
  • 20442, EN-Person Observation 2-24, west side of the lateral, Three Forks
  • 20361, EN-Person Observation 11-31, west side of the lateral, Three Forks
  • 20539, PNC, EN-Person Observation 2-32, east side of the lateral
  • 20599, EN-Person Observation 2-43, east side of the lateral (rig on site), Three Forks
  • 20669, 601, EN-Person-156-94-1102H-2, at the wellhead, east side, 38 stages, 4.2 million lbs, t1/12; cum 178K 11/17;
  • 20670, 635, EN-Person-156-94-11-2H-3, at the wellhead, west side, t1/12; cum 165K 11/17;
  • 20772, 1,181, EN-Enger-156-94-1423H-1at the wellhead, south side, 38 stages; 4 million lbs, t12/11; cum 252K 11/17;
Go to the link above for more about these wells.

All wells remain on the confidential list, but there are currently two rigs on site, one for permit 20599, and one for 20670.

There is one long lateral, producing, well one mile to the east (one section over) to the 17117:
  • 17852, PA/374, Hess, EN-Hein-156-94-0112H-1, spudded 2/18/09; 97,000 bbls as of June, 2011;  producing about 2,000 bbls/month; cum 147K 8/14;

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