Thursday, July 18, 2024

Trump Shooting: Director, Secret Service -- Had "Her Story" Wrong -- July 18, 2024

Locator: 48184SHOOTING.

The Director, Secret Service, herself, nationally-televised interview had the story wrong -- either she lied (unlikely) or she was incorrectly briefed by her own folks.

And she "made up a story" (?) to try to explain her first iteration. And that story was ludicrous -- she stated a sniper was not on the building in question because it had a sloped roof and would have been dangerous to put a SS sniper on a sloped roof. The "shooter" did just fine on the sloped roof.

When nominated for the job, she said her #1 priority was making the SS more diversified. Protecting the president, apparently, was not her #1 priority. 

Why Not?

Link here.

What is it about rolling skates ...?

Be sure to read the comments at the link. What insane choreography.

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