Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Finally We Know Who Can Be Credited With The Fossil Fuel Gains -- It's Not Harold -- All About the Bakken


October 6, 2012: in the original post below I said I would cut and paste a bit of the story if I remembered; I finally got back to the story. Here's the lede:
President Barack Obama is taking credit for higher U.S. oil and gas production and lower imports, angering industry groups and Republicans who say he is working against domestic energy production. 
American energy will be a major theme of Obama’s State of the Union address to Congress tonight, Jay Carney, the White House spokesman, said in a briefing yesterday. In his first campaign ad this year, Obama boasts that U.S. dependence on foreign oil is below 50 percent for the first time in 13 years
Original Post
Who claims credit?

Click here to a Bloomberg article.

If I remember, I will cut and paste a bit of the story here in case the link breaks, but I want folks to guess who claims credit.

One hint: he piloted the lead helicopter that crashed into the compound when and where OBL was killed. His wife piloted the back-up helicopter, which took all commandos and prisoners back to safety after destroying the disabled helicopter.

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