Friday, February 21, 2020

All Politics -- Nothing About The Bakken -- February 21, 2020

Headline: Fox News more than triples CNN's collapsing viewership. Google it.
Even with the Democrat primary in high gear, the U.S.S. CNN’s ratings are still beyond pathetic. The far-left CNN, a hate network that spreads conspiracy theories and promotes violence against President Trump and his supporters, could not even average a million viewers during the same week New Hampshire came out to vote.

Worse still, CNN’s chief nemesis, Fox News, annihilated the fake news network in the ratings by averaging more than three times — three times! — as many primetime viewers as CNNLOL. Here’s the primetime breakdown of average viewers during the week of February 10:
  • Fox: 3.2 million
  • MSNBC: 1.677 million
  • CNN: 969,000
  • Fox: 3. 2million
  • MSNBC + CNN: 2.65 million 
  • Fox: 1.2 x MSNBC/CNN
It gets worse. Total day viewership average for the same week:
  • Fox: 1.743 million
  • MSNBC: 920,000
  • CNN: 630,000
  • Fox: 1.743 million
  • MSNBC + CNN: 1.6 million
Regarding the Statistics Above

Actually, the numbers are even worse.

A lot of us tune into MSNBC and CNN to watch:
  • a meltdown;
  • a sitcom;
  • fake news -- how it is packaged, marketed;
  • to track anti-Trumper talking points
CNN in airports? McDonalds?

Most boring talking show ever: "Morning Joe" on MSNBC. Same guests; same contributors; nothing has changed. To may astonishment, former CIA director John Brennan was guest on MSNBC. He is the poster child why Trump and his supporters don't trust the "professional" intel community. 
It's All In A Name

At one time a lot of folks were "embarrassed" to call themselves Republicans. Not any more. Now its the center-left (?), sane, rational, salt-of-the-earth folks who register as Democrats cannot believe that their front-runner is a socialist-communist.

It's my understanding that midwestern farmers generally, as a bloc, self-identify as Democrats and vote blue. But not one farmer/rancher would consider herself/himself a socialist-communist. Well, there might be one or two. But not the entire herd.

Same with police, firemen, etc.

I'm not so sure about public school teachers. Certainly at the university level many of the professors would identify as socialist-communists.

Democrat Race

I didn't watch the Nevada debates, but I've viewed a lot of video clips, have read a lot of news reports, and listened to a lot of talk radio (I have not watched network evening news).

My thoughts on the debate and the status of the Democrat campaign.

What do Mitt Romney and Mike Bloomberg both have in common? Two men without a party. 

Most interesting state to watch: if all eight or nine current Democrat candidates stay in the race through Super Tuesday, Bernie should win all off California's delegates; none of the others will reach the 15% threshold required to start gaining delegates. And it now appears all current Democrat candidates will remain through Super Tuesday.

Trump campaign's best news: Mayor Mike Bloomberg says he will stay in the race to the end. If he doesn't get the nomination, he can only stay in the race to the end by doing one of two things:
  • contributing his support and vast resources to the Democrat nominee;
  • run as an independent
Bloomberg's only platform plank: remove Trump from office.

Steyer's only platform plank: remove Trump from office. We've seen how that has worked out.

Bloomberg as an independent:
  • will siphon votes from the Democrat candidate;
  • will get zero votes from Trump supporters
Bloomberg will NOT contribute anything to Bernie Sanders.

We now know how to get under Bernie's skin:
  • mention that he is a multi-millionaire;
  • mention that he has three homes;
  • mention that his third home is a Vermont lake cabin just like the one everyone else in Vermont has
  • call him a communist
  • remind him he is not a democrat: by his own admission he is an independent
The debate:
  • Klobuchar-Buttigieg: I've never seen anything so amateurish; again, I just saw the clips;
  • Klobuchar: her demeanor, countenance, and blue dress really, really, really evoked a Saturday Night Live skit; she wasn't punching above her weight in the Nevada debates
  • Buttigieg: all platitudes; I don't think Americans know where his financial support is coming from; he's a front for 24 - 40 multi-millionaires / billionaires;
  • Bloomberg: a man without a party
  • Bloomberg: got no credit for "staying above the fray"
  • Pundits loved Pocahontas taking out Bloomberg; need to see if it translates to votes; it translated to $5 million overnight (as if that matters -- except that it reminds us she still has a lot of supporters but against Bloomberg's billions, $5 million is a rounding error
Vermont lake houses:

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