Saturday, December 3, 2016

Finally, We're Done -- Jill Stein Throws In The Towel In Pennsylvania -- December 3, 2016

Jill Stein calls off recount attempt in Pennsylvania. It does not matter what happens in Wisconsin and / or Michigan. [Update: actually, there's a bit more to this but hopefully we're near the end. I track the "recount" here.]

The Trump Style

A reader sent me a link to an interesting look at Trump's "management" (for lack of a better word) style. From the article the reader noted this:
The Trump Organization, which began in the early 1970s but has grown rapidly since 1980, includes his patient younger brother, who terms himself the "plow horse" of the team; a shrewd and cautious negotiator whose previous employer was wildly successful before its fortunes plunged; and two former city commissioners with valuable contacts in government and law.
It includes his wife, Ivana, who is president of the Plaza Hotel, and three other very strong-willed women, among them one of the few female construction supervisors in the industry. "I have found in many cases {women} are more effective than a man would be," Trump said. "They're very dedicated to showing me that they can do it."
Something tells me world leaders are scouring the "literature" to  learn more about Trump. My advice: watch the first few seasons of "The Apprentice."

Update, December 5, 2016: MSNBC "Morning Joe" actually hit the nail on the head, but only in passing, with regard to the Taiwan phone call. It comes down to this: Trump's "Art of the Deal" is to find the "point of leverage" when it comes to negotiating. Someone said that when Trump begins negotiations he always starts with the most extreme position and then backs off, winning concessions far greater than he otherwise might.

Teaching Her Best Friend To Read

Sophia is 2.5 years old. One of her favorite activities is being read to. She also has her favorite books.

Her favorite friend is a huge, stuffed monkey, which goes by the name, "Little Georgie," after her great-uncle with the same name who passed away some years ago.

When she comes home from TutorTime, she runs into the house, runs past her mom, runs past her sisters, and heads directly to "Little Georgie" to give him a huge hug.  And then read to him.

Most remarkable: the book is being held correct-side up.

Little Georgie is not making as much progress as we had all hoped.

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