Sunday, April 26, 2020

What's Wrong With This Picture? -- April 26, 2020

COVID-19 deaths:
  • Tokyo: 9.3 million
  • NYC: 8.4 million
Lock down:
  • Tokyo: no
  • NYC: yes
Ratio, NYC-to-Tokyo COVID-19 deaths: 12,067 : 100 = 121x greater in NYC compared to Tokyo.

Must be a ventilator shortage somewhere.


  1. I think we will see some books written about this, If you recall the briefings trump kept saying that people were being sent in to check on some things, If he hadn't I think these numbers would be more conflated. In the end we may find that some nefarious things were done, unacceptable things. Time will tell. Trump is big on symbolic gestures, The comfort was something I think that was more planned than we understand, it also put the military on the ground very quickly.

    1. Agree completely. This was politicized from the beginning. Hopefully, the timing was off. The "lock downs" began in January/February/March time frame. It's hard for me to believe that by the time mid-summer we won't be back to near-normalcy, resulting in some good economic numbers by November.
