Friday, September 27, 2024

New BR Washburn/Burned Edge Wells And Sequoiafill Wells -- Charlson/Hawkeye -- September 27, 2024

Locator: 48413B.

Those running south:

  • 37620, conf, BR, Sequoiafill 1A, Hawkeye, t--; cum --;
  • 37619, conf, BR, Sequoiafill 1B, Hawkeye, t--; cum --;
  • 37618, conf, BR, Sequoiafill 1C, Hawkeye, t--; cum --;
  • 37617, conf, BR, Sequoiafill 1D, Hawkeye, t--; cum --;
  • 37616, conf, BR, Sequoiafill 1E, Hawkeye, t--; cum --;
  • 37615, conf, BR, Sequoiafill 1F, Hawkeye, t--; cum --;
  • 37614, conf, BR, Sequoiafill 1G, Hawkeye, t--; cum --;

Of interest,

  • 18140, 540, BR, Sequoia 24-9H, Hawkeye, t9/09; cum 347K 7/24;

Those running to the west:

  • 40567 conf, BR, Burned Edge 1A-ULW, Charlson,
  • 40566, conf, BR, Burned Edge 2A-ULW, Charlson,
  • 17309, back on confidential list, last production reported, 11/21, Washburn 44-36H, drilled back in 2008; 270, open hole; 1.2 million lbs; 10,810 bbls;

Of interest:

  • 25655, 2,856, BR, Washburn 43-36TFH, Charlson, t12/13; cum 453K 7/24;

Lots of work yet to be done in the Bakken. When I started the blog back in 2009 (actually, 2007), I said often: if you have one well, you will eventually have four wells, probably 8 wells, maybe 12 wells, and possible many more than that. That's now happening (and has been going on for quite some time).

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