Friday, September 27, 2024

Wells Coming Off Confidential List -- Closing Out The Third Quarter, 2024

Locator: 48409B.

Presidential politics: the future of Detroit and the EV story. A WSJ article. Finally, some transparency. LOL. Means nothing until it means something. But wow, EVs: one step forward, three or four steps back. How's that federal EV charging infrastructure initiative working out. The Washington Post, March 29, 2024:

From the linked article (if anyone really cares):
But now, more than two years after Congress allocated $7.5 billion to help build out those stations, only 7 EV charging stations are operational across four states. And as the Biden administration rolls out its new rules for emissions from cars and trucks — which will require a lot more electric cars and hybrids on the road — the sluggish build-out could slow the transition to electric cars.
Meanwhile, just last month:

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $67.88.

Monday, September 30, 2024: 62 for the month; 190 for the quarter, 514 for the year
40238, conf, Hess, BL-Kerbaugh-LW-156-96-3427H-1, Beaver Lodge, a huge well in the Williston Basin's older oil field;
37825, conf, Enerplus, Kit 149-93-10A-15H, Mandaree, a disappointment?

Sunday, September 29, 2024: 60 for the month; 188 for the quarter, 512 for the year
40239, conf, Hess, BL-Kerbaugh-156-96-3427H-8, Beaver Lodge, a huge well in the Williston Basin's older oil field;
37826, conf, Enerplus, Renard 149-93-10A-15H, Mandaree, a bit of a disappointment?

Saturday, September 28,  2024: 58 for the month; 186 for the quarter, 510 for the year
40281, conf, Hess, EN-Lonetree Farm-156-94-0805H-8,

Friday, September 27, 2024: 57 for the month; 185 for the quarter, 509 for the year
40280, conf, Hess, EN-Lonetree Farm-156-94-0805H-7,
39936, conf, Hess, RS-Feldman-LW-156-92-1423H-1, Alger, a nice well;

RBN Energy  Longhorn pipeline's flexibility has made it a critical conduit for Permian crude.

The great Texas philosopher Matthew McConaughey once said, “I don’t want to just revolve. I want to evolve.” Few pieces of crude oil infrastructure embody that spirit of adaptation quite like ONEOK’s Longhorn Pipeline. Starting out as a Houston-bound conduit for Permian crude, Longhorn later reversed its flow and started moving refined products, then — at just the right time, in the early days of the Permian’s Shale Era rebirth — flipped back to eastbound crude service. In today’s RBN blog, we’ll detail the pipeline’s evolution and its critical role in moving Permian oil to the Gulf Coast market.

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