Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Is This Not A "Pretty Picture"? -- Northwest Dunn County, Corral Creek

Those wells on confidential status, up to the north in the graphic below, are all on 3-well and 4-well pads.

I track the Corral Creek oil field here. Obviously I have to update the linked page.


  1. So Bruce what is the story on these 11 wells that are on confidential status? Are they in the original 1280 acre spacing unit that contains the wells a mile to the south with the 2 mile long laterals or are they in an overlapping 640 acre spacing unit with shorter 1 mile laterals? Or am I looking at something wrong?

    1. We are talking about the eleven (11) wells on three pads in 18-147-95.

      If you go to the GIS server map, and click on "Spacing / Bakken" the area always remains "white." Corral Creek oil field, or at least this part of it, operated by Burlington Resources has been unitized -- one very large unit field.

      Go to the "original post" at this link for the details of this "unit field':


      These eleven wells all have names that start with "CCU" which stands for "Corral Creek Unit" -- and all Burlington Resources (BR) wells in this field with this designation are part of the field that has been unitized. As such, they shouldn't have a drilling unit of 640 acres or 1280 acres or 2560 acres. The box on the sundry form where they ask for drilling unit size should show a "U." (I haven't confirmed that.)

      My hunch: all "new" BR / CCU wells will be long laterals.

      In the graphic above, to the west, you will see a rig in section 13-147-96, #27742 - #27745 (inclusive): those are XTO Brandvik wells and they are outside the Unit Field.

      In fact, if you zoom out far enough on the GIS map server (and check off all the possible spacing sizes, their will be a large area in Corral Creek that stays white: that is the unitized portion of Corral Creek.

      One bit of trivia: when BR took the case to the NDIC to ask for a unitized field, BR said they could complete the field in 3.5 years. The original post was dated December 21, 2011 - the clock is ticking. Three point five years from January, 2012 -- July 2015. Unless I counted my fingers wrong.


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