Saturday, December 4, 2021

Semi-Conductor Chip Update -- Briefly -- December 4, 2021

In the technology space, the semiconductor chip will be the top story for 2022. 

Updates are linked here

Foundries vs designers.

For investors, this is the biggest story of the past week:

If one is bullish on Apple / AAPL, the one best piece of news this past week -- the government jumping in to stop the buyout of ARM by Nvidia. I can't think of anything more bullish for Apple in this space than that news. 

By the way, what does the Chinese dictator and the US government have in common: a fear that publicly traded companies are getting too big; that some entrepreneurs are getting too rich. Both China and Brandon are now doing the same thing: staking steps to keep companies from getting too big; keep entrepreneurs from getting too rich. It's an interesting observation. I've not seen others report on the comparison yet.  But I digress. Back to chips.

Posted this past week re: chips --

NVDA: I'm curious where the stock price needs to go for NVDA to become a $10 trillion market At $325 now with a market cap of $800 billion, let's see ... 325 / 800 = x / 10,000 ... 3250000 / 800 = $4,000 / share. I'm sure that's not right. LOL. 

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