Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Absolutely Predictable -- And It's Just The Beginning -- Just Wait Until Trucks Need To Be Electric --

Locator: 48271CALIFORNIA.

Link here.

I assume Pete Buttigieg is all over this.

From the linked article:

The Port of Los Angeles’s transition to green technology is on the blink.

The private companies that handle containers at the crucial seaport say power surges and lulls are knocking out cranes and other cargo equipment just as container terminals are relying more on the electric grid to power their operations.

The terminal operators are asking how the port expects to achieve a mandate to phase out diesel-powered machinery by 2030 when today’s power supply is so unreliable. Their frustrations highlight the gap in energy infrastructure that complicates moves toward zero-emission technologies even as companies invest big sums in the transition.

Thomas Jelenić, a vice president at the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association, which represents the terminal operators, said so far this year there have been at least nine power-related outages that have affected one or more terminals.

Jelenić said the dips and surges in voltage can be brief but can cause ship-to-shore cranes to reset. “That’s a big deal because it stops the flow of cargo from the ship to the terminals,” he said.

Several executives said the power issues are knocking out not just cranes but also the automated gates that accept and deliver boxes to trucks and the computer systems that manage the location of containers. The terminal operators must then recalibrate machinery and sometimes replace fried circuit cards before they can resume operations.

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