Friday, May 31, 2024

Retirement And Investing -- Is Gen Z The Taylor Swift Generation? May 31, 2024

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024
: "She dominates our age!" How Taylor Swift became the greatest show on earth. Link to The [London] Guardian

Original Post

Gen Z: stepping up, making America great. Link here. Gen Z, when it comes to money, has a great, great role model.

Gen Z is off to a strong start in saving for retirement, and the youngest generation in the workforce has aggressive expectations for when they will call it quits on their careers.

Median retirement savings for Gen Z is $29,000, according to a new retirement survey by Goldman Sachs Asset Management. The research shows 68% of survey respondents believe their savings are on track or ahead of schedule.

And they may need every penny: 44% of Gen Z respondents expect to retire before 60, even as many of today’s older workers plan to stay on the job longer to shore up their savings. Working baby boomers reported a target retirement age of between 65 and 69, according to the survey.

Members of Gen Z, people born between 1997 and 2012, have perhaps benefited the most from retirement plan features such as auto-enrollment, so-called auto-escalation, and target-date funds as the default investment. Popularized after the Pension Protection Act of 2006, these features assume participation, requiring uninterested employees to opt out of contributing to a retirement account and having their contribution rate increased on a regular schedule.

Born between 1997 and 2012, these folks are currently between the ages of 12 and 27 years of age. 

Hot 100-singles in 2014:

"Shake It Off" ranked #135 by Rolling Stone, ranking all of Taylor Swift's songs to date.

The Book Page

The Princes in the Tower: Solving History's Greatest Cold Case, Philippa Langley, c. 2023.

The Wide, Wide Sea: Imperial Ambition, First Contact and hte Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook, Hampton Sides, c. 2024.

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