Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Covid-19: Vaccinations Have Hit A Wall -- July 13, 2021

CDC data here

I doubt if anyone cares, but holy mackerel, the Covid-19 vaccine data released today by the CDC -- I don't think -- has ever been worse. 

Tuesday's data has always been one of the worse days but today's is particularly bad. 

The government distributed an all-time low (one doesn't consider deliveries on the weekends or holidays): only 235,410 doses were distributed to health care facilities. In other words, health care facilities are no longer ordering much vaccine from the US government; they have way more on hand than they can get rid of. Previously posted:

In addition, the number of vaccinations given in the past twenty-four hours broke below 345,000 for the first time. 

Much could be said. 

It certainly doesn't help that Guillain-Barré has now been associated with the vaccine.

Much could be said. 

It will be an interesting autumn. 

I wonder what the market holds for us tomorrow.


  1. re: "doubt if anyone cares"

    i, for one, have forwarded one of your posts on this situation...
