Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Absolutely Nothing To Do With The Bakken -- Arctic Snowy Owls Seen Far South -- Global Warming Resulting in Harsh Winters -- Owls Seeking Less Harsh Weather

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Snowy owls have migrated south into Montana and across the nation's northern tier this winter, showing up in large numbers around the Great Lakes as well as the East and West coasts.

"It seems like it's going to be a big year."

It's not unusual for the big white predators to fly south from the Arctic in search of food, especially yearling males, .... What is different this year is the widespread sightings of the birds.

"What it all means is hard to say."

Holt said it's possibile that the birds disperse south after successful breeding seasons in order to spread out the competition for a finite food source. Or they may be facing a shortage of food or harsh weather.
What a great story. And so coincidental. Today my granddaughter and I "learned' the four families of raptors in the "Falconiformes" order.  These are the diurnal birds of prey. The nocturnal birds of prey, the owls, have their own order.

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