Monday, November 7, 2011

Drillers in the Gulf of Mexico -- Petrobras Finds Oil -- Absolutely Nothing To Do With The Bakken

This is how a crazy mind sees the world. It's a bit of a stretch and I won't blame folks if they can't connect the dots, but this is how my mind works:

News report early this morning: Petrobras discovers oil in America's Gulf of Mexico. And, everyone remembers Cuba's plans to drill in the Gulf. Even the Chinese oil company, CNOOC, plans to venture into the gulf. It seems everyone is headed there but the US. Supposedly the permitorium has been lifted, but I'm not hearing much.

So, all I'm thinking is that Brazil, the Chinese, and Cuba are going to be drilling in the gulf, everyone but the US.

Then later today, this story:
The US is working with adjacent countries to develop effective responses to offshore crude oil spills that could threaten US coasts, a US Department of the Interior official told a US House subcommittee.

Other witnesses suggested that more needs to be done, particularly in regard to Cuba.

Michael R. Bromwich, interim director of the US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, told the House Natural Resources Committee’s Energy and Minerals Subcommittee that the US government is in close contact with Repsol-YPF SA as it prepares to drill offshore Cuba.

The US government will use all appropriate resources and authority to respond to any spill in Cuban or other waters.
So, one of the most technologically-advanced countries in the world, with some of the most stringent environmental protection laws is clamping down on our own companies drilling in the Gulf, while foreign countries like Cuba are pressing forward.

And the first thing I thought of was Jerry Reed's "She Got the Goldmine, I Got the Shaft."

She Got the Goldmine, Jerry Reed

The foreign drillers will get the gold mine, the US the shaft.

Yes, I know it's a stretch.

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