Thursday, September 12, 2024

Cramer's First Hour, Part 3 -- EV Prices Plunging -- Thursday, Septermber 12, 2024

Locator: 48571TEXAS.

Unity pops today. Unity was on my watch list. I came close to initiating a position in Unity some weeks ago, but, unfortunately, did not, for some reason. However, the money that would have gone into Unity went into other components of the "Mag 7." No complaints. U and NVDA in the past year:

Thursday Night Football: I remember vividly the note I posted when Amazon acquired rights to NFL's Thursday Night Football. A reader opined that this was a disaster for Amazon; TNF was known for lousy match-ups. CNBC interviewed Al Michaels earlier this afternoon. Al Michaels will be calling the game tonight. It was noted that TNF grew 24% year/year. The match-ups are now second to none.

Symbiotic relationship: in fifty years of investing, I've never seen an investing sector like tech. In every other sector, it seems, it's cut-throat competition. Banks: they're all the same. They're cut-throat trying to get your business. Retail: they're all the same. They're cut-throat trying to get your business. But when it comes to chips, yes, there's a lot of competition, but vendors and customers are all frequently sitting at the same table, working together to come up with the end product. Exhibit A: the Apple iPhone. 

Apple's iPhone suppliers:

Sure, many suppliers compete among each other, but for the most part, each major supplier has a unique niche and they all need to work together if the end result is to be successful.

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