Saturday, April 6, 2024

Factoid Of The Day -- Short Life-Span For Blogs -- April 6, 2024

Locator: 46932BLOGGING.

On blogging:

I noted this when I went back to check some of my links of some of my favorite blogs. And I couldn't find them or if I did (find them), the last post was years ago. So, what is the average life of a blog?

For the record, my first blog lasted from 2007 to 2009. The current iteration has posted every day since sometime in 2009. It's possible I missed a day while traveling but if you can find a day I missed, let me know.

With regard to a blog post (not a blog, but a blog "post"):

And then look at this: the top four -- top four -- fracking RSS feeds, link here:

  • The Daily Climate RSS Feed
  • Environmental Health News RSS Feed
  • Natural Gas Now RSS Feed
  • The Million Dollar Way (The Bakken Oil Blog) RSS Feed -- link here.

A "generic" search"

Holy mackerel!

This is current as of March 29, 2024 and features links to the blog as recently as the end of March! And the links work!

And, of course, if ranked by no ads, no subscription, no passwords required, themilliondollarway blog would be #1. Let me know if you can find a blog on the Bakken, fracking, or oil and gas that does not require a subscription, password, and is ad-free. If "wiki" is a blog, wiki would win.

X: I used to direct readers to my site via twitter, but not so much any more. 

Facebook: better way to blog than stand-alone blog might be on Facebook if one wants numbers. I prefer quality. Numbers are interesting and it's rewarding to see the number of page hits increase but I would blog even if I was "guaranteed" no visitors. I have no agenda. Well, not much of an agenda.

My One Comment Regarding The Iowa - UConn Game

Wow, I hate whining? 

Those who know, know.

Local Neighborhood

I recently posted a photo of "$4-buck Chuck (formerly known as $2-buck Chuck)." In fact, it hasn't been "$2-buck Chuck" since 2013 when it raised its prices -- that as under President Obama's administration. Apparently outside the state of California, $2-buck Chuck has been $4-buck Chuck for quite some time.

But we move on.

In the process of sorting that out, I ran across The New York Butcher Shoppe. Apparently one is opening across the street from us ... when I say "across the street from us" that is literal, not figuratively speaking. Across the street and two blocks to the north, is a brand-new "The New York Butcher Shoppe." I had not seen it until yesterday when Sophia and I drove by it on the way home from jiu-jitsu. I think Sophia saw it first and then I saw it -- right next to perhaps the best brunch restaurant in the United States, The Brunch District, another story for another time.

But anyway, here's the website:

Everything suggests it's now open! Wow!

I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say there may be as many as 50 eating establishments within walking distance from our apartment complex. Everything from the Waffle House to P.F. Chang's. They're not all going to survive. One I thought that wasn't going to make it -- a somewhat pricey Mexican restaurant -- had a line waiting outside the door last night. Its niche? Happy Hour every day -- every day -- from 3:00 p.m. to closing. But prices were still inappropriately high. Anyway, I digress. I will report back on the new "butcher shoppe" later. Sophia and I will stop by later today.

Our favorite all-around restaurant in the area: Thirsty Lion. Flagship restaurant in Denver, CO.

Our favorite sushi restaurant: Kura. Perhaps best value price and without question, best selection. And robots serve non-alcoholic drinks.

Kura will put a lot of pressure on Imperial Sushi, a one-minute walk from our apartment, to lower its prices. Even with robots, exceptionally well-staffed with humans whose first language is English.

Duolingo: Spanish

Part of my Duolingo stats.

The Book Page Today

Annotated Emerson.

Annotated Wuthering Heights (new copy arrived yesterday).

Byron. Arrived yesterday. My notes on Bryon will be posted here.

Interestingly enough, arrived at same time, the two most recent books (Byron and Wuthering Heights) arrived in separate boxes. I had requested delay in delivery of both so that it would save money and cardboard for Amazon. But, in this case, not to be.

The ease of shopping on Amazon is amazing. Earlier this week, I had run out of shampoo. When I got out of the shower, I clicked thrice on the laptop and shampoo was on its way.

  • click on Amazon icon
  • type in (brand name) shampoo
  • click on "Buy Now" option

Then submit. I guess, four clicks, not three.


One last trip to Portland, OR, before high summer travel costs. When I last checked, a month or so ago, prices on American Airlines from DFW to Portland, OR, went up at least fifty percent from end of April to beginning of May. Just think, taking a flight two weeks later and the price could have almost doubled.

I mentioned this to my wife. What happens in May? The college year ends for most universities / colleges in May. That's the real driver of high-cost summer travel -- when the high-cost flights begin. They will plummet again in October. Maybe September.

The flight I booked for end of April was as inexpensive as I've ever seen. Seriously.

Uber from the airport to our daughter's house in Portland: $50 before tip. $60 total.

I take light rail: regular price, $2.50. For "honored seniors," $1.25. 

Don't even get me started.

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