Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Realities Of Moving From Fossil Fuel -- The New York Experience -- April 26, 2022


Note: the chart below really speaks volumes about politics, special interest groups, the economics of nuclear energy and the economics of renewable energy, the incredible challenge of -- or should we say "impossibility" of weaning "ourselves" off fossil fuel energy when fossil fuel is still so inexpensive compared to the alternatives, and, of course, we can't forget NIMBY when we talk about renewable energy.

From Powerline.

This graph might be a bit hard to understand, but ...

In just two years, the share of electricity provided by nuclear energy dropped about 12%.

To compensate for that loss of nuclear energy, faux environmentalists committed to increasing fossil fuels' share by almost exactly the same amount, 12%.

Wind dropped.

Hydro really dropped. 

And, "other renewables, increased ever so slightly. 

Now all we need is the average price of electricity over the last two years. And the amount of fuel oil being provided by Russia.  

The Movie Page

After seeing Charlotte Rampling in Swimming Pool years ago, I've always been a bit fascinated by Ms Rampling, but never enough to do much "searching."

After recently seeing her in the 1975 movie, Farewell, My Darling, I was finally curious enough to at least do a cursory search, which of course, takes one to wiki

At least now I understand a bit better why I may have missed her: I did not see her on film for many years. In the middle 1980s and the 1990s, for a decade, she "withdrew from the public eye due to depression."

She was born in 1946, just after the war; her father was a British Army officer. She had an older sister, Sarah, born three years earlier, in the middle of WWII, 1943, who died by suicide at the age of 23 (1966; Charlotte would have been 20).

They were incredibly close sisters, singing and working together in their coming of age years. 

Married Jean-Michel Jarre, 1978; publicly dissolved, 1997; divorce final in 2002; one son, her second son; and a stepdaughter, Émilie Jarre, who became a fashion designer.

Many awards over the years; very well respected by her peers and the movie industry. 

I think Camille Paglia would approve. 

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