Sunday, May 24, 2015

And Then There Was One -- May 24, 2015

The "MillionDollarWay" may be the only blog of its kind that is still reporting daily permitting in the Bakken. I see that that the "BakkenBlog" has discontinued "detailed" weekly permitting reports. Permits between 2009 and 2014 have been archived at the site.

A Note to the Granddaughters

The plan was to have the Memorial Day cook out at 4:00 p.m. At 3:00 p.m. a huge downpour with lots of thunder and lightning. But we pressed on. We moved the grill to the covered patio -- and that's why a lot of Texans end up burning down their homes. Of course, we ate inside. Turned out excellent.


  1. There was another? There can be only one!

  2. Thank you. Happy Memorial Day. Torrents of rain here in Tarrant County -- Ft Worth. But we're grilling, anyway -- I think we can use lightning to start the charcoal -- and I now see why Texans have a "habit" of burning down their houses. LOL.

  3. The weather in the news left me wondering if you were spared or affected.

    Does WalMart sell rubber rafts?

    Stay safe my friend and happy Memorial Day grilling.


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