Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What We Learned From the Los Angeles Port Strike ...

... how to do it on the East Coast (though I doubt "they" need any pointers).

Unions ready to shut down the entire east coast and gulf coast ports. I don't know if that includes oil tankers.
Contract negotiations between the International Longshoremen’s Association and United States Maritime Alliance broke off today, raising the likelihood of a Maine-to-Texas dock strike at year-end.
Wow, it never quits. The west coast longshoremen went on strike: they wouldn't accept the $195,000/year offer. Up from $165,000 if I recall correctly.


  1. When the country is on a sundial path what would one expect. It all starts in California and the rest of the country follows, so we have been told.

    Should this take place it will be interesting how Virgina, North and South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas all right work states, react. I bet they tell the longshoremen to go pound salt.

    1. I had forgotten the "right-to-work" angle .... I hope you are correct. A lot of folks in South Carolina and Louisiana would love to have these jobs.

  2. I meant suicidal sorry. Also I forgot Georgia is right to word too. Savanna, Charleston, Mobile to name a few wouldn't appreciate a union stunt like that.

    They will say "bless their hearts" but no thanks.

    1. Actually I thought "sundial" was perfect. Sun moving across the states. I paused for a second, but then figured that was what you meant. Smile.

      And "bless their hearts." LOL. That is so true.


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