Friday, June 3, 2011

Fracking Regulations: Texas Railroad Commission Looking at Fast Tracking Reporting Requirements

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Texas Railroad Commissioner (TRC) David Porter said would push the Railroad Commission (RRC) to complete the entire rule-making process requiring disclosure of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing a year ahead of the deadline set in recent legislation.

The Texas Legislature on May 31 sent a bill to Governor Rick Perry on requiring the RRC to write disclosure rules for hazardous chemicals by July 1, 2012. The bill requires the RRC to complete rule-making for all other chemicals used in the process by July 1, 2013.
The Texas Railroad Commission (TRRC) regulates the state's oil and gas industry. The TRRC is similar to North Dakota's Industrial Commission (NDIC).

Based on past events, my hunch is that the rest of the states will follow the TRRC lead, and in fact will probably greatly influence the EPA on this subject.

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