Saturday, August 24, 2024

Surging Gas Output Again Testing Bakken's Takeaway Capacity -- Energy Intelligence Group -- August 24, 2024

Locator: 48444B.

Director's Cut, June, 2024, data.

  • crude oil production: 1,175,567 bopd
  • natural gas production: 3,472,710 MCF/day
  • ratio, ng/oil: 2.95

Link here.

From the linked article:
Gas-to-oil ratios in the Bakken Shale are setting new records, with the North Dakota basin's production only expected to get gassier — setting the stage for another round of takeaway capacity challenges.

In June, North Dakota’s production averaged 2.95 standard cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil, state Pipeline Authority Director Justin Kringstad said during a webinar last week.

“That’s the highest we’ve had in development history here for the Bakken and the Three Forks. We’re going to see ups and downs with this trend, but the general consensus is that we’re going to see this continue to move up,” Kringstad said. “Natural gas is entrained in that Bakken oil. … As those wells age, that pressure depletes. We see more and more gas released downhole.”

EIA's drilling production report, link here

Mano-a-mano, crude oil production, new wells:

  • Permian: 1,400 bopd per rig
  • Bakken: 1,747 bopd per rig (advantage: 24.79%)

Mano-a-mano, natural gas production, new wells:

  • Permian: 2,547 MCF/d
  • Bakken: 2,663 MCF/d (advantage: 4.55%)

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