Monday, April 15, 2024

Ron Muhlenkamp's Reading List -- 2010

Locator: 47010BOOKS. 

The Book Page

Back in 2010, Ron Muhlenkamp released his reading list. It still holds up.

Good Morning

The Book Page 

Earlier I mentioned a most poignant essay in this month's (May, 2024) issue of The Atlantic, written by a Pulitzer-winning author about his uncle who died during the Pacific campaign WWII on / near Guadalcanal.

The Solomon islands, northeast of Australia.

The campaign is brilliantly told by Norman Mailer in The Naked and the Dead. I continue to read Mailer's book, no hurry to complete it. It may take me a year. I take extensive notes as I go along. I'm convinced tat Mailer's fictional island, Anopopei, is actually Guadalcanal itself. 

There would be no reason for any other island to get that much attention by Mailer had it not be Guadalcanal. I've not found others on the web who suggest the two are identical but it's so obvious, I assume I simply haven't found a reference yet.

I should have known this before but I completely missed it, the highest mountain on Guadalcanal: Mount Popomanaseu.  

In The Atlantic essay, there is mention of the USS Crescent City.

I wonder if folks know the American city nicknamed the Crescent City at that time.

And, if they know the connection to that American city, do they know the origin of that nickname?

Talk about coincidental. This article was published just a few days ago, April 12, 2024. Not much of an article but it is what it is.

By the way, back to The Naked and the Dead: another good look at the book at this link: GRIN. GRIN appears to be a German site for ordering e-books.

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