Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Elon Musk To Build Yet Another Manufacturing Plant In Texas -- March 3, 2021

At the sidebar at the right: themes, 2020.

From there: Re-locations: tracked here

This story is really note about another company re-locating to Texas. The company was already operating in Texas. This is simply about yet another huge manufacturing complex being built in Texas.

In Austin, to be more specific.

Texas, which already boats NASA's Johnson's Space Center in Houston and two of Elon Musk's Space X facilities, is expanding its universe further with word that Musk is building a new manufacturing plant in Austin, Texas.

Musk's aerospace company revealed the plans in a new job posting for an "Automation & Controls Engineer," which will focus on Starlink, a global high-speed internet service made up of a constellation of satellites. 
"To keep up with global demand, SpaceX is breaking ground on a new, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Austin, TX," the job posting reads. 
"The Automation & Controls Engineer will play a key role as we strive to manufacture millions of consumer facing devices that we ship directly to customers." 
The products will include Starlink dishes, Wi-Fi routers, mounting hardware and more.

So, when you read a story about Elon Musk's "Starlink" venture, think Austin.  

The story broke about the same time the Texas governor removed all Covid-19-pandemic related restrictions: no masks, no capacity restrictions where folks meet, eat, greet and sweat. 

Personal Note

About 2:30 p.m. yesterday, I noted that I was itching pretty much all over. Looking back on the "event" it appeared I was having a generalized allergic reaction, sort of a precursor to anaphylactic shock, and death. 

I mentioned it to Sophia -- that I was itching all over. I'm not sure why I mentioned it to her. Sophia is only six years old and even though her mom is a nurse, it's unlikely Sophia has learned much about medicine this early in life. Maybe I mentioned it to her in case the coroner asked her questions later on. 

The generalized itching resolved about thirty minutes later and I didn't think any more of it. I did notice a large (two-inch in diameter), slightly red, somewhat pruritic induration on my upper right thigh about an hour later but didn't think much about it, either. I attributed it to where my laptop had been resting, off and on, for the past several hours. 

Early this a.m., I woke up, fully rested, thinking it must be close to 6:30 a.m. It was 12:40 a.m.


But it was then that I noted a blister-like lesion in the center of the aforementioned induration on the right upper thigh -- it didn't look like a spider bite but that's all it could be. 

And, so the story is told. About 2:30 p.m. yesterday a spider or some such creepy crawler bit me in the right upper thigh. How it got there, I have no idea. Shortly after being bitten, I had a generalized allergic reaction.

The generalized allergic reaction resolved. I assume the very small blister and the induration will gradually go away also, perhaps over several days.

I am posting this so that if I wake up dead later this morning. folks will know why I'm not blogging.

Good night and good luck to all.


  1. apprecriated but kind of hard to "wake up dead".

    1. I think there is a whole Hollywood industry making money off zombies.

  2. Great your back! with more oil news, humorist living, historical reflections

    1. Thank you for the kind words. It looks like I will survive the spider bite, but it was pretty impressive. I'm hoping the spider was not carrying Covid-19.


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