Monday, September 7, 2015

Other News -- Monday, September 7, 2015

So, who are the winners and losers when it comes to US jobs? Native-born Americans or "immigrants"?  Here's the answer.

Britain's longest-serving monarch: Queen Elizabeth II.

Juan Williams writes that #BlackLivesMatter is "playing with fire."  He's correct about that, but, wow, does he miss the point. He is simply worried that #BlackLivesMatter will ultimately lead to a lower black voter turnout and possible loss of crucial elections. That's the least of anyone's worries. It is clear that #BlackLivesMatter is now #PigsInABlanketFryThemLikeBacon. I can't think of anything much worse to really, really polarize race relations in this country. Even mainstream African-American and folks like my wife who have concerns about police brutality probably can't go along with #PigsInABlanketFryThemLikeBacon. The sad reality is that pigs in a blanket/fry them like bacon will now become something (some) kids and (some) adults will joke about whenever they see police men and women. That's a visual one can't get out of one's head. It's one thing to voice concerns about police brutality, it's quite different to talk about frying them like bacon.

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