July 19, 2020: another CLR Wahpeton well comes off the confidential list this week.
July 22, 2020:
- 335914, SI/A, CLR, Wahpeton 16-16H1, 33-053-08890, Banks, t--; cum 116K over 3 months,7 days; fracked 12/6/2019 - 12/17/2019; 7.143 million gallons of water; water 88.52% by mass; Three Forks first bench; vertical operations required three BHAs; curve build with one BHA, no problems; the lateral was completed with a single BHA; drilled out of the shoe on July 29, 2019; TD reached on August 2, 2019; four days to drill the lateral; background gas, moderate;
Pool | Date | Days | BBLS Oil | Runs | BBLS Water | MCF Prod | MCF Sold | Vent/Flare |
BAKKEN | 5-2020 | 31 | 29504 | 29655 | 24396 | 53683 | 53276 | 0 |
BAKKEN | 4-2020 | 30 | 25690 | 25268 | 24697 | 41414 | 41020 | 0 |
BAKKEN | 3-2020 | 31 | 42567 | 43003 | 40235 | 66283 | 66283 | 0 |
BAKKEN | 2-2020 | 7 | 17874 | 17185 | 14630 | 23089 | 22139 | 950 |
BAKKEN | 1-2020 | 3 | 117 | 117 | 2218 | 758 | 0 | 758 |
- 35914, conf, CLR, Wahpeton 16-16H1, Banks,
Date | Oil Runs | MCF Sold |
5-2020 | 29655 | 53276 |
4-2020 | 25268 | 41020 |
3-2020 | 43003 | 66283 |
2-2020 | 17185 | 22139 |
1-2020 | 117 | 0 |
June 4, 2020: see this post. Updated graphics:
June 3, 2020: production data update, see below: see this update --
- 35915, SI/A, CLR, Wahpeton 17-16H, Banks, t--; cum 107K in 2.5 months;
December 11, 2016: production of these wells updated; see below; five wells now IA/AB/TA.
February 9, 2014: screenshot of the Wahpeton Pad, this date.
September 11, 2013: from Mike Filloon --
The most important is the Wahpeton Pad. Continental chose the important location to drill a total of 32 wells from the middle Bakken to the 3rd bench. Since this was the first 160-acre pilot project, it very well could be the best area overall for pad drilling.
Original Post

The Wahpeton wells are sited in section 16, and run north to south, ending in section 21. This page is updated periodically, last update, July 12, 2020.
- 19450, 322, CLR, Wahpeton 1-16H, Banks, t7/11; cum 253K 4/20; off line 5/20;
- 24843, 1,050, CLR, Wahpeton 6-16H, Banks, t6/14; cum 176K 4/20; off line 5/20;
- 24809, 1,786, CLR, Wahpeton 9-16H, Banks, t5/14; cum 221K 4/20; off line 5/20;
- 24840, 382, CLR, Wahpeton 4-16H1, Banks, t7/14; cum 85K 4/20; off line 5/20;
- 24810, 550, CLR, Wahpeton 8-16H1, Banks, t6/15; cum 138K 4/20; off line 4/20;
- 24807, 354, CLR, Wahpeton 11-16H1, Banks, t6/14; cum 101K 4/20; off line 4/20;
- 24837, 652, CLR, Wahpeton 2-16H2, Banks, t6/14; cum 122K 4/20;
- 24842, IA/411, CLR, Wahpeton 5-16H2, Banks, t6/14; cum 69K 2/20; off line 2/20; remains off line 5/20;
- 24808, IA/IAW/AB/IA/366, CLR, Wahpeton 10-16H2, Banks, t6/14; cum 20K 6/19;
- 24804, AB/IAW/AB/1,031, CLR, Wahpeton 14-16H2, Banks, t5/14; cum 24K 8/15;
- 24838, TA, CLR, Wahpeton 3-16H3, Banks, no production;
- 24844, IAW/AB/334, CLR, Wahpeton 7-16H3, Banks, t6/14; cum 23K 5/16;
- 24806, A/IAW/AB/1,031 CLR, Wahpeton 12-16H3, Banks, t5/14; cum 17K 3/20; off line 4/20;
- 24805, 1,612, CLR, Wahpeton 13-16H3, Banks, t5/14; cum 213K 5/20; remains on line in 5/20;
Meanwhile, the "Charlotte" wells sited in either section 22 or 27-152-99, Banks, but all probably drilling 22/15-152-99:
- 19918, 496, Charlotte 1-22H, middle Bakken, SWSE 22-152-99; Banks, 30 stages; 2.5 million lbs; t6/11; cum 360K 4/20; total depth: 21,090 feet;
- 23664, 657, Charlotte 3-22H, Banks, TF1, SESE 22-152N-99W, t11/12; cum 186K 4/20;
- 21128, 692, Charlotte 2-22H, Banks, TF2, SWSW 22-152-99; 30 stages; 2.3 million lbs; t10/11; cum 255K 4/20; total depth: 21,358 feet;
- 23612, 673, Charlotte 4-22H, TF3, 4 secs, Banks, [Update: see press release, December 3, 2012], t7/13; cum 173K 4/20;
- 23608, 1,303, Charlotte 5-22H, Banks, ?TF4, 4 secs; t6/13; cum 248K 4/20;
- 23664, 657, CLR, Charlotte 3-22H, Banks, t11/12; cum 186K 4/20;
By the way, look at #23664, Charlotte 3-22H, still confidential, but production runs for first month:
Date | Oil Runs | MCF Sold |
11-2012 | 7583 | 12383 |
What do you notice? Yes, it was hooked up to a natural gas pipeline almost immediately. As the well density increases, the natural gas flaring will take care of itself. Already we are starting to see this happen on a larger scale. In the most recent Director's Cut:
Additions to gathering and processing capacity are helping with the percentage of gas flared dropping to 29%. The historical high was 36% in September 2011.With more wells/month being drilled; more production/well; to see a downward trend this early in the boom speaks volumes about a non-issue.
And, then, of course, to the east, in the next spacing unit to the east are the very good Chicago/Syracuse wells.
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