Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Re-Look at Squaw Creek -- Multiple Wells on One 320-Acre Unit -- Bakken, North Dakota, USA

Some folks may have noticed another EOG permit in Squaw Creek this past week:
20238, Zenergy, Dakota-3 Spotted Horn 26-35H, 26-149-94.

For those of you who might have missed it, you may want to look at Squaw Creek again.

EOG, in the September hearing dockets, requested multiple wells on 320-acre spacing in Squaw Creek. This was case 13277: note -- this was not wells on multiple 320-acre spacing units, but rather multiple horizontal wells on a single 320-acre spacing unit.

Just saying.


  1. Between the two EOG cases there are requests for 2 320 acre spacings and 2 640 acre spacings. In each of the 4 units the request is for two laterals - one middle Bakken and one Three Forks. The 2 laterals would be on a single pad and offset by about 25 degrees. EOG indicates that the MB and 3F have nearly the same potential in this area.


  2. I appreciate that detail. I'm still learning about the Bakken/TF.

    By the way, I've received nice comments from others who have also appreciated all this detail over the past year.

    Have a great 2011.
