Saturday, March 12, 2022

"Good" And "Bad" Oil -- March 12, 2022

There are really some great blogs out there. These great blogs -- providing analyses of current events -- combined with a good twitter feed that provides breaking news are causing great havoc for traditional new sources. 

Such outlets as ABC Evening News may have the story as quickly as the rest of us, but it won't show up for two nights: many of these stories have to be vetted, fact-checked, edited for the intended audience and the political narrative, and that takes time, about two days. By that time, many of these stories are old news.

It's too bad Hunter S Thompson is not still with us. He would have been phenomenal on Twitter.

Rush Limbaugh never "grew" into twitter. He had a great radio show and perhaps that's all he needed. Twitter does not allow one to develop much of a story or an analysis, something in which Rush excelled. 

It's all water under the bridge now, as they say, with regard to the Keystone XL, but Americans should be fuming that the Biden administration continues to look for more oil from Iran and Venezuela rather than from Canada. 

A nice essay on "good" and "bad" oil is over at one of the nice blogs I alluded to earlier. 

What bugs me: why do folks still write essays on this subject, and why do folks like me still link them. As noted it's all water under the bridge, now.

That Time Of The Year

From social media today, not my photo, not my backyard, not my crawdads:

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