Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Devon -- Whoo-Hoo -- November 2, 2021

See this note from August 7, 2021. Over the course of 10+ years of blogging, I have posted, perhaps, five or six posts of which I'm really proud. That note of August 7, 2021, on Devon was one of them. My original note on Netflix was another one, but I digress. 

I was on vacation on Flathead Lake, Montana, when I wrote that note on Devon. I had lots and lots of time to reflect. 

Folks following Devon know it's had a good run. But I about fell off my chair when I saw this tonight over on CNN Business pre-market movers. Of the thousands of ticker symbols, who wudda guessed that Devon would have been at the very top! Just a few months later! Whoo-hoo!


  1. At 97, Charlie Munger is so much sharper than (as you say) Resident Biden. A true investing guru, probably smarter than his more-famous partner.... https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/02/investing/charlie-munger-buybacks-tax/index.html

    1. Yes, I bet you are correct --- Charles Munger being the brains of the outfit.
